Windsor Royals Lifetime Members

We are grateful to everyone who has been awarded a lifetime membership for their contributions to our club.

1959 S. Holloway
1959 E. J. Tyler
1966 R. Bengtsen
1966 A. A. Eaton
1966 R. H. J. Hanley
1966 R. S. Whiting
1966 Mrs. D. Holloway
1968 D. Knight
1971 R. W. Banks
1972 Mrs. B. Anderson
1975 Mrs. N. Tyler
1977 Mrs. D. M. Banks
1978 K. Ahern
1979 Mrs. G. Maude
1980 Mrs. D. Townsend
1984 J. Hooper
1987 Dr. C. Jones
1989 J. Tyler
1990 W. Armstrong
1991 G. Heaslip
1991 Mrs B. Blakely
1991 Mrs. D. Hooper

1991 Mrs. P. Young
1992 R. Battaglene
1997 R. Dolan
1998 T. McMain
1998 Mrs. L. McMain
2000 R. Knight
2000 M. Harvey
2000 Mrs. S. Harvey
2000 Mrs. J. Battaglene
2002 Mrs. C. Millichap
2005 K. Macbeth
2005 R. Blake
2006 Mrs. A. Phillips
2006 Mrs. M Stone
2007 D. Roxburgh
2010 J. Gonzalez
2011 K. Knight
2013 A. Lamb
2016 M. Ready
2016 D. Hemsley
2020 k. cOOKE
2023 t. tHOMSON
2024 N. Bachono